Artability is a 2 years project based on the sharing of good practices mobilising people with disability into lifelong learning process through laboratories on visual…
The project is an attempt for a fruitful dialogue, through processes of participative democracy, between civil society and public entities with the perspective to find…
“GROWL” project concerns the development of proposals and innovative solutions through the implementation of educational activities targeted to adults, with the aim to address the…
The Mediterranean Route – Euro Velo 8 (EV8) aims at enhancing and promoting sustainable transnational thematic tourism products with the help of cycling tourism, one…
The Desegregation and Action for Roma in Education Network (DARE-Net) is a project that aims in the creation of a Roma and non-Roma civil society…
“Youth is Tolerance” is a project which aims to combat racism, xenophobia and antisemitism, with a particular attention on Roma discrimination, among young people. The…
The project deals with various practices of activism and on-line campaigning with a view to create young leaders of campaigns in an attempt to fight…
The European legal framework on hate speech, blasphemy and its interaction with freedom of expression’ (A study by the EU Directorate-General of Internal Policies) The…
The general aim of the project is to promote human rights and empower youth participation in society. There will be workshops discussing general fields of…
The project aims to connect SEE regions by the ICT long distance cycling route, to improve accessibility of the SEE regions by bicycle, to connect…