- Treaties
- Directives
- International surveys and studies
- Policy documents
(Judgment in case C-229/05 P)
(Human European Consultancy in partnership with the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights)
- FRA survey : Harassment and violence against LGBTIQ people on the rise
- Fundamental Rights Report 2023
- FRA Roma Survey 2021 on 10 European countries (including Greece) – Dec 2022
- FRA Fundamental Rights Report 2022 – Apr 2022
- “Protecting civic space in EU” (a FRA study)
- FRA Report : ‘Encouraging hate crime reporting: the role of law enforcement and other authorities.’
- “Fundamental Rights Report 2021” (FRA annual report)
- A FRA study : “Your rights matter : police stops in EU member states”
- “Constellations : an ENAR manual for working with young people on the topic of racism and invisible racism”
- Amnesty International Report 2020/21 : The state of the world’ s human rights
- “European Equality Law Review’ – Issue 1 – year 2020 : a publication of the European Network of legal experts in gender equality and non discrimination
- “A comparative analysis of non discrimination in Europe 2020” (by European network of legal experts in gender equality and non-discrimination)
- “Coronavirus pandemic in the EU : Fundamental Rights Implications” (FRA report)
(First results from a recent Eurobarometer survey show that attitudes towards homosexuality vary widely across EU Member States. An average of 44% of EU citizens believe that marriages between same-sex couples should be allowed. Acceptance levels range from 82% in The Netherlands to 12% in Latvia. Marriage -or similar union- is currently possible in the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Sweden and the UK. Openness to adoption of children by homosexual couples is more limited. Only 32% of the European public support the idea)
(written by Patrick Simon, Institut National d’ Etudes Demographiques)
(The present joint report is submitted by five holders of mandates of special procedures of the Commission on Human Rights who have been jointly following the situation of detainees held at theUnited States Naval Base at Guantánamo Bay since June 2004)
(Conclusions and Recommendations)
(Thematic Comment No3 – by the E.U. Network of Independent Experts on Fundamental Rights (CFR-CDF))
(Euro-Mediterranean Conference Report)
(a Final Report on the “TRAILER Project” produced by the “European Dialogue”)
(a European Commission staff working document)
(A research study written by Sergi Jimenez-Marti, Natalia Jorgensen & Jose Maria Labeaga and financed by the European Commission)
(a Study made by Jacques Dahan, Joan Stavo-Debauge & Dominique Thomas-Hislaire examining the statistical data available at the international, European and national levels that might contribute to an evaluation of the progress made in equality and anti-discrimination issue)
(written by Katarin Halasz)
(Flash Report of Nassos Theodoridis for the European network of legal experts in the non-discrimination field)
(Flash report by Nassos Theodoridis for the European network of legal experts in the non-discrimination field)
(A Study coordinated by the European Roma Rights Centre and the Roma Education Fund)
(written by Emmanuelle Bribosia and Isabelle Rorive on behalf of the European Network of Legal Experts in the Non-Discrimination Field)
(published by the “European Network of Legal Experts in the non-discrimination field”)
(an edition of the European Network of Legal Experts in the field of non- discrimination)
(covering the period from 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2011)
(FRA Annual Report 2011)
(a FRA annual report)
(beyond the two EU Directives)
(an EU-wide survey of FRA)
- (a legal anaysis by the European network of legal experts in gender equality and non-discrimination)
- “Ending Fortress Europe: Recommendations for a racial justice approach to EU migration policy” (a study by Equinox), Mar 2022
- Handbook on European Law relating to the rights of the child – 2022 edition
- European Council’ s Conclusions on combating racism and antisemitism (March 2022)
- ECRI’ s new General Policy Recommendation to Council of Europe member states on preventing and combating anti-Muslim racism and discrimination, Dec 2021
- “Equality bodies and the implementation of the Commission Recommendation on standards for equality bodies”. (An EU Commission Report)
- EU Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030
- EU anti-racism action plan 2020-2025
- Europe’ s patchwork of refugee integration policies : The EU Action Plan on integration and inclusion as an instrument to address deficiencies – Linking NIEM results to EU Action 2021 to 2027 (a NIEM Policy Brief by Sinem Yilmaz).
- “Model Guidance on Individual Needs Assessments of Hate Crime Victim” (a manuel of OSCE)
- New Pact on Immigration and Asylum : Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of Regions
- Strategy to strengthen the application of the Charter of Fundamental Rights in the EU (Communication Paper of the EU Commission)
- The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights on its 10th anniversary (a FRA edition)
- EU Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025 Gender-equality-strategy-2020-2025
- Equal rights in practice: keyvoices 2004
- Commission goes to the EuropeanCourt of Justice to enforce anti-discrimination law
- Critical review of academic literaturerelating to the EU directives to combat discrimination
- Social Agenda No 6 – Immigration: creating a ‘win-win’ situation
- Commission: Building an inclusive Europe
- Diamantopoulou address to the World Conference against Racism
- Opinion of the E.U. Network of Independent Experts participation of E.U. citizens in the political parties of the member state of residence
- European Handbook on equality data (written by Timo Makkonen and published by the European Commission)
- Religion and Belief Discrimination in Employment – the EU Law (a report by Lucy Vickers published by the European Commission on the authority of the European Network of Legal Experts on the non-discrimination field)
- “Employment” Directive (2000/78/EC): list of Member States to which a reasoned opinion or letter of formal notice will be sent
- Commission Report on the Implementation of the Action Programme against Racism
- Community Action Plan against Racism
- Community Anti-discimination Action Programme
- European Commission Note to the members of the Committee for the Community Action Programme to combat discrimination (2001-2006) (New initiatives proposed to the originally agreed Plan of Work 2006)
- Anti-discrimination and diversity training (Background paper for the Annual Conference of the Community Action Programme to combat discrimination)
- Putting equality into practice : Community Action Program to combat discrimination (Activities of “ANTIGONE” officially included as Good Practices)
- Decision No 1672/2006/EC of the European Parliament and the Council establishing PROGRESS (a Community Programme for Employment and Social Solidarity)
- What role for positive action in the EU anti-discrimination policy? (a brochure of the DG Employment)
- Active Civic Participation of Immigrants in 25 EU States The POLITIS project, supported under the EU’ s Sixth Framework Programme for research, has highlighted the positive contribution made by immigrants in their host societies. Findings are published in 25 country reports available online
- Proposal
- Impact Assessment
- The Commission proposes the establishment of an EU Fundamental Rights Agency
- Communication from the Commission. Fundamental Rights Agency
- Green paper: Equality and non-discrimination in Europe
- Council Decision 18-2-2002 on Guidelines for Employment Policies
- EU Common Policy on Illegal Immigration
- European Parliament resolution on strategies and means for the integration of immigrants in the European Union
- Strategic litigation of race discrimination in Europe: from principles to practice (a manual on the theory and practice of strategic litigation with particular reference to the EC Race Directive)
- The decision of the Council of Minsters of Justice and Home Affairs on the establishment of the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights
- A Stetwatch analysis on the original EU directive on the expulsion of third-country nationals
- An analysis on the German Presidency’s proposed redraft of the EU expulsion directive (a report by the professor Steeve Peers, Human Rights Center, University of Essex – on behalf of the Statewatch)
- A Common Agenda for Integration: a framework for the integration of Third – Country Nationals in the European Union (a communication report submitted by the EC to the EU Council & Parliament)
- Implementing the Hague Programme on a European Migration Policy
- EU Presidency Conclusions on a Comprehensive Migration Policy
- Green paper on an EU approach to managing economic migration (a formal request has been sent to Greece and other countries)
- EU Commission acts to close gaps in race equality rules (a formal request has been sent to Greece and other countries)
- EU Commission Annual Policy Strategy for 2008 to prevent and combat discrimination outside the labour market
- EU: “Visa entry checks to be suspended if there are too many people” (A Draft Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council of amending Regulation (EC) No 562/2006 as regards the use of the Visa Information System (VIS) under the Schengen Borders Code (EU doc no: 8674/08))
- Proposal for a Council Directive on the conditions of entry and residence of third-country nationals for the purposes of highly qualified employment
- Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council providing for sanctions against employers of illegally staying third-country nationals
- “The EU Strategy towards the Eradication of Trafficking in Human Beings, 2012–2016” (Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament)
- Guidelines of the EU Council for the protection of human rights of LGBT person – EL
- European Commission: “Making migration a driver for development”
- Suggestions from EU Council for the promotion and protection of religious freedom and freedom of belief – EL
- FRA Opinion on the Framework Decision on Racism and Xenophobia
- EU rules to tackle discrimination now in place in all 28 EU Member States
- UNHCR’s recommendations to Greece on refugees for the EU Presidency January
- Resolution of the European Parliament on the undocumented women migrants in the EU
- 7 demands for equality from the European Network Against Racism
- Report of the EU Commission on the implementation of the EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies
- New EU project on the protection of the rights of migrants who are domestic workers and victims of human trafficking
- FRA Conference 2014 Conclusions : “Fundamental rights and migration to the EU”
- The new European agenda on Migration
- European Commission adopts 40 infringement decisions to make European Asylum System works
- “Prosecuting hate crimes”: a practical guide of OSCE for prosecutors
- EU Special Summit on migration agrees on Action Plan
- Publication of ECRI General Policy Recommendation on Combating Hate Speech –
- ECRI general policy recommendation No 15 on combating hate speech
- Annual activity Report 2015 of the Commissioner of Human Rights of the Council of Europe
- Decision of the EU Ombudsman on the refugees’ human rights impact of the EU-Turkey Agreement –
- CPT standards on means of restraint in psychiatric establishments for adults
- FRA : “How to improve local Roma inclusion”
- European Commission Report on the application of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
- New FRA report : “How to communicate better common values, fundamental rights and freedoms”
- European Parliament’ s Report on integration of Roma in Europe : fighting anti-Gypsyism
- First evaluation of Greece’s compliance with the Council of Europe’s Anti-trafficking Convention
- “Community prevention policy for the Roma in the EU” – EN
- ENAR’ s impact on 2018 and plans for 2019
- “Uniform Guidelines for the Identification and Referral of Victims of Human Trafficking within the Migrant and Refugee Reception Framework in the OSCE Region”
- ENAR’s 10 EU elections demands to end racism in the European Union
- Network Equinet’ s recommendation on combating discrimination and hatred speech during electoral campaigns