- Greece
- European Union
- International
- “At the borders of Europe: refoulements with impunity” (A report of the Greek Council for Refugees) – November 2024 – Gr
- Convicting Judgment in the Attack on German Photojournalist Michael Trammer and Racist Violence Against Refugees at the Port of Thermi. (Press Release of the organisation HIAS) – November 2024
- Generation 2.0 : “What is the new process of naturalisation for foreigners in Greece” – March 2022 – Gr
- Access by beneficiaries of international protection to supporting documents and social rights (Report by ProAsyl and RSA) – March 2022 – Gr
- “Addressing Issues of Refugee Integration: Insights from the “Curing the Limbo” Project” (A Special issue of “The International Journal of Learner Diversity and Identities” – Volume 28, Issue 2, December 2021)
- Greek National Strategy for the Social Integration of Asylum Seekers and Beneficiaries of International Protection – Gr
- “The doctrine of the ‘instrumentalization’ of refugees. The borders of Evros in the era of the securitization of borders”. (A HumanRights360 Report)
- “The new closed controlled structure for refugees in Samos : an isolated modern prison”. (A report by the Greek Council of Refugees) GR
- A “Human Rights 360” research on attitudes of enterprises towards employment of Refugees/Migrants
- UNHCR : “Ten points for the creation of an independent and effective national mechanism for monitoring fundamental rights at the border in Greece”
- Comments of Greek NGOs on the Draft Law “Reform of deportation and return procedures for third-country nationals, issues of residence permits and procedures for granting international protection” (Gr)
- “The talent behind the numbers : introducing refugees on the Greek islands (a UNHCR’s Report) -June 2021
- “The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on refugees and asylum seekers in Greece: A retrospective analysis of national surveillance data from 2020” (interscientific article in the medical journal “The Lancet”
- “Employment opportunities for refugees in the countryside. The case of the city of Karditsa” (presentation of speech of Mr Vassilis Mpelis, General Manager of Development Karditsa SA, in the 17th Coalition Meeting of NIEM Program) pptx EL
- Information on integration actions and on local Centres of Integration of “HELIOS” Program all over Greece
- Statistical data of beneficiary refugees from the “HELIOS” Program (June 2021)
- Greek Ombudsman’s research on the educational integration of children living in Structures and centres of reception and identification of the Ministry of Immigration and Asylum (GR)
- “PROTECTION WITH UNCERTAINTY – Studuing asylum in Greece after Eidomeni” (a study by institute Heinrich Boell) (GR)
- “Access to documents and socio-economic rights of beneficiaries of international protection in Greece” (A study by Pro-Asyl and RSA)
- “Diminished – Derogated – Denied : How the right to asylum in Greece is undermined by the lack of EU responsibility sharing ” (a joint report by GCR and Oxfam)
- “Borders and coronavirus: Refugee policy and public discourse in a time of a dual crisis in Greece”:
- “The living conditions of applicants and beneficiaries of international protection in Greece” (a Report by organisation “Mobile Info Team”- February 2021)
- Brief report on push back practices in Greece (Joint Statement of 6 NGOs)
- “Pushing back refubees, pushing away the witnesses” (A “Mare Liberum” press release)
- “The real crimes are push-backs and human rights violations by the Greek government” (An “Alarm phone” press release)
- “Human rights groups demand that Greece investigate pushbacks and violence at its borders” (a common paper from organisations that ask for investigations of denouncements on pushbacks)
- “Migrants accuse Greece of pushing them back out to sea” (an article in Associated Press with personal testimonies of victims)
- Catastrophe for human rights as Greece steps up refugee pushbacks (article of Guardian)
- UNHCR concerns for reports on unofficial forced deportations
- EU Border Agency Frontex complicit in Greek refugee pushback campaign” (article by Spiegel)
- “Greece turns back migrants by abandoning them at sea” (an article of NY Times)
- “How Greek officials use rescue equipment for illegal deportations” (An article by Irish Center for Human Rights)
- An analysis of Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants – picum_oct_20 – [EN]
- A common declaration of ECRE organisations
- An analysis by EuroMed Rights: Analysis-of-Asylum-and-Migration-Pact_Final_Clickable – [EN]
- “A Legal Guide on the rights in the daily life of the refugee” (by A. Mardaki on behalf of CARITAS HELLAS)- GREEK-ENGLISH-ARABIC
- “Update briefing on the EU ‘hotspot’ Moria” (a report by OXFAM and the Greek Council for Refugees)
- HumanRights360: “Annual Report 2019 for asylum seekers and refugees in Greece” – HR360-AnnualReport-2019 – [EN]
- Open letter by 66 organisations on refugee issue – final_JointStatement_120_EN – [EN]
- “Children as preys : exclusion and exploitation of unaccompanied minors in Greece” (a Rosa Luxemburg Institute research made by Elina Sarantou and Aggeliki Theodoropoulou). pdf-[EL]
- “Children as preys : exclusion and exploitation of unaccompanied minors in Greece” (a Rosa Luxemburg Institute research made by Elina Sarantou and Aggeliki Theodoropoulou).
- “Multiannual Financial Framework 20212027: an opportunity to enhance the integration of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers in Greece” ( A Study by Greek and foreign NGOs) – [EN]
- “The management of the COVID-19 epidemic crisis in the refugee populations in Greece. Critical analysis” (A KEPY report by N. Kourachanis, D. Papadatos, E. Makridou) management of the COVID-19 epidemic crisis in the refugee populations in Greece – [EL]
- “Statistical data on refugees and migrants from Agencies and Organisations in Greece”. Στατιστικά στοιχεία Υπηρεσιών και οργανισμών για πρόσφυγες και μετανάστες – [EL]
- Ombudsman’ s remarks on new asylum provisions in Greece Ombudsman on new refugee law – [EL]
- European Migration Dialogue: Recommendations for the social inclusion of immigrants – EL (KEMO, EEDA, EEDAP)
- Lymperaki, A., Maroukis, T. “Albanian Immigrants in Athens: Some recent findings” – ELIAMEP – EN
- Overview about Immigration, Integration and Refugee Protection – EN
- Recent immigration flows to Greece, bibliography – EN
- Iosifides, T. (2003) “Qualitative migration research: some new reflections sixyears later – EN
- Papadopoulou, A. (2002) “Kurdish Asylum Seekers in Greece: the role of networks inthe migration process” – EN
- Papadopoulou, A. (2003) “Asylum, Transit Migration and the Politics of Reception: the case of the Kurds in Greece” – EN
- Europe needs migrants and fears them – EL
- Skordas, A., Sitaropoulos, N. (2004) “Why Greece is not a safe host country for Refugees”, Journal of Refugee Law, 16/1, pp 25-52 – EN
- Hatziprokopiou, P. (2003) “Albanian immigrants in Thessaloniki, Greece: Processes of economic and social incorporation”, Journal of Ethnic and MigrationStudies, 29 (6): 1033-1057 – EN
- Understanding Greek Immigration Policy – EN
- Immigration in Greece during the 1990s – EN
- Foreign female immigrants in Greece – EN
- Pathways of immigration control in Greece – EN
- Causes and consequences of Albanian Migration – EN
- Minutes of the relevant debate in Parliament – EL
- Law 3304/2005 on the application of the principle of equal treatment – Implementation of EU Directives 2000-43 and 2000-78 – EL
- Law – EL
- Guidelines – EL Law 3386/2005 on the Entry, Residence and Social Inclusion of 3rd country nationals in Greece
- Kaja vs Greece: (judgment of the European Court of Human Rights) – EN (violation of article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights (prohibition of inhuman or degrading treatment) in respect of the conditions of the applicant’s detention in a police detention centre)
- The ten-year project for Reform in the Education of the Muslim Minority in Western Thrace, Greece – EN
- Ethnic discrimination in the Greek Labour Market : occupational access, insurance coverage, and wage offers – EN (a study by Nick Drydakis and Minas Vlassis)
- Publication of the New Law 3536/2007 on Migration Policy – EL
- Asylum seeking single women, women head of families and separated children: Reception practices in Greece – EN (a Report by Theodora Tsovili & Eftihia Voutira)
- Discriminatory denationalisations based on ethnic origin: the dark legacy of ex Art. 19 of the Greek Nationality Code – EN (an article of Dr. Nicholas Sitaropoulos published in “Migration, Diasporas and Legal Systems in Europe”, edited by Prakash Shah & Werner Menaski, editions “Routledge- Cavendish”)
- Celniku vs Greece – EN (The European Court of Human Rights convicted Greece for the murder of Albanian migrant by Greek Police)
- Green Paper of the EU Commission on the future Common European Asylum System – EN
- UNHCR ‘ s Responses to the EC’ s proposals on a common asylum policy – EN
- The Situation of Refugees in the Aegean Sea and the Practices of the Greek Coast Guard – EN (Report edited by the Foundation PRO ASYL and the Athens Group of Lawyers for the Rights of Refugees and Migrants)
- Α Policy Report on Migration, Asylum and Return in Greece – EN (a study made by the Centre of Planning and Economic Research – Greek National Contact Point of the EMN)
- “And the House Goes to…” – Ethnic Discrimination in the Greek Rental Market – EN (A Research Study made by N. Drydakis – University of Crete, Department of Economics)
- “MIGHEALTHNET” -Report on the health of migrants in Greece – EL (A study by Athens Medical School)
- The latest statistical data of IPODE on the number of foreign and repatriated students of the Greek public schools during the school year 2008-09 – EL
- Civil Participation of repatriated persons and third country nationals who live legally in Greece for a long time – EL (Draft Law on citizenship)
- First round of discussion – EL
- Second round of discussion – EL
- The Minutes of the discussion in the Greek Parliament on citizenship and migration
Minutes of discussion 09/03/10 – EL
Minutes of discussion 10/03/10 – EL
Minutes of discussion 11/03/10 – EL - Minutes of the discussion on citizenship in the Parliament
Law 3838/2010 has been published on Government’s Gazette (Number 49) – EL - Greece : Sysrtematic detention of refugees and asylum seekers in primitive conditions – EL
- Country Report 2010 on Employment, ethnicity and migrants – EN (A report by Dr Dimitris Karantinos, Anna Manoudi drafted for the Network of socio-economic experts in the Anti-discrimination Field)
- Research of “National Centre for Social Solidarity” on Good Practices applied in Greece and other EU countries concerning migrant women in the field of employment – EL
- “Migration ‘s Timely”, Part No 1, March 2011, edition of the “Laboratory for Study of Migration and Diaspora” (E.M.ME.DIA) of the University of Athens – EL
- Basic Guidelines for the protection of women and girls during the first reception and the procedure of asylum in Greece – EL (The U.N. Refugee Agency & General Secretariat for Equality of Sexes)
- Special Newsletter with the first results of the project “Investigation of possibilities and perspectives of inclusion of African migrants in the host Greek society” – EL (Harokopeion Universit, Department of Geography)
- ENAR Shadow Report 2010 – 2011 : Racism and related discriminatory practices in Greece – EN (written by Adla Shashati, Greek Forum of Migrants)
- Walls of Shame – Accounts from the inside: The detention centres of Evros – EN
- Ιmplementation of the Greek National Action Plan on Migration Management and Asylum Reform – EN (EU Commission Progress Report – March 2012)
- A Report of the NGOs ProAsyl and Greek Council for Refugees on the racist violence in Patras – EN
- Hate on the Streets – Xenophobic Violence in Greece – EN (Human Rights Watch)
- The contribution of foreigners in the demographic dynamism of Greece – EL (An article by Vyronas Kotzamanis and Marie -Noel Duckenne in the magazine “Demo News” (May – June 2012))
- Presentation of results from the Network for Registration of Incidents of Racist Violence – EL (for the period 1.1.2012-30.9.2012)
- National Strategy for the Integration of Third Country Nationals – EL
- “POLYDROMO”: Group and Periodical for Bilingualism and Multiculturalism in Education and Society – EN
- Human rights abuses on Greece’ s border with Turkey – EN (A special report of Amnesty International)
- Mapping racist attacks in Athens – EN
- Presidential Decree 141/ 2013 on the recognition and the status of “international protection” of foreigners – EL
- Official total statistics on asylm – EN (for the years 2011 and 2012)
- 5th issue of the magazine of EMMEDIA “Update on Migration” – EL
- The first statistical data of the new Asylum Service of the Ministry of Public Order – EL
- 11 myths and more truths : Migration in Greece – EL (A study by the Rosa Luxenburg Institute)
- EKKA Statistical data on housing of unaccompanied minors asylum seekers – EL (3rd Quarter 2013)
- Mixed marriages and racist stereotypes – EL
- Ministerial decision 30651/3.6.2014 : “Definition of the category of permit of stay for humanitarian reasons and of its process” – EL
- Combating discrimination in the field of Enterpreneurship: Women, young Roma and Muslim migrants – EL (A Study of the “Observatory of Combating disxcrimination” of the National Centre for Social Studies)
- “Frontex between Greece and Turkey: The Border of Denial” – The deployment of Frontex is impairing the right of asylum – EN
- Application of asylum procedure and Integration of Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Thessaloniki
- UNCHR ‘ s remarks on current situation of asylum in Greece
- UNHCR issues special recommendations to the new Greek government
- UNHCR reinforcing presence in Greek islands amid six-fold increase in refugee arrivals
- Article of Nassos Theodoridis (Director of “ANTIGONE”) about citizenship (“Efimerida Syntakton”, 22/6/2015)
- V.Papastergioy, E. Takou “Migration in Greece – Eleven myths and more truths”
- “Turning the refugee crisis into an opportunity ? Current challenges for Greece and suggestions for Action”΄(A Report by Ms Anna Triantafyllidou) – EN
- “Greeks and the matter of refugees” (A research by “Public Issue”) – GR
- “A face to face research on refugees” (A poll by “Kapa Research” in the region of Attica) – GR
- “Human Rights Watch” Submission to the U.N. Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination in advance of its review on Greece (July 2016)
- UNHCR Greece unveils new website on donor-funded activities – GR
- All the school units where there are Structures of Reception for the Education of Refugees – GR
- Network for Children’s Rights: “Conditions in refugee camps: the case of Schisto” – EN
- Observation report of Hellenic League of Human Rights concerning the first day of schooling of refugees’ children in Thessaloniki – GR
- European Court of Human Rights condemned Greece for forced labour against migrants in the case of Manolada
- HELP : a new UNHCR’s electronic platform of information for refugees in Greece – EN
- Evaluation Report on the Project of the Ministry of Education for the Inclusion of the Refugee Children in Education – GR
- “Migrant Ill-treatment in Greek Law Enforcement” (Article of N. Sitaropoulos in the European Journal of Migration & Law (Brill), 2017, Issue 2, p. 136 -164 – EN
- “Rights and effective protection exist only on paper: The precarious existence of beneficiaries of international protection in Greece” (A Proasyl Report – June 2017) – EN
- “The Greek asylum system one year after the EU – Turkey Statement” – EN
- Brief presentation of findings of the Observatory against Racism and Xenophobia in Mass Media – EL
- Initiative “Charter of Eidomeni” against discrimination and racism in mass media – EL
- Report of the anti-torture committee of the Council of Europe criticises treatment of irregular migrants and the continued detention of migrant children – EL
- The ruling of the Council of State on the asylum procedure post EU – Turkey Deal
- Refugees in Greece (2013-2017) : Infographic & Statistical information
- “The development of Greek migration policy and the invention of “para-legality” in labour relations of immigrants” (Article by Apostolis Kapsalis, Dr of Panteion University, “Social Policy”, Vol. 9) – EN
- Updated statistical data of UNCHR on housing of asylum seekers in Greece (March 2018) – EN
- AIDA Country Report on Greece : key developments in asylum procedures, reception conditions, detention and content of protection throughout 2017 – EN
- UNHCR appeals to Greece over situation at Evros – EL
- New Report of Greek Council of Refugees on the conditions of reception at borderlines – EN
- IOM ‘ s statistical data on voluntary returns from Greece – EN
- Amnesty International’ s Special report on women refugees in Greece – EL
- “Rise of xenophobic and racist incidents in the past 6 months” : A timeline – R.S.A”. – E
- IOM survey : “Access to school aids social inclusion of migrants and refugees in Greece” – EN
- 2018 Report of the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe on the consequences of the refugee issue in Greece – EN
- “Education and refugees” (Article by Nassos Theodoridis in “Efimerida Syntakton”)
- UNHCR’ s statistical data on the arrival of refugees and migrants in Greece (December 2018) – EN
- FRA Opinion on fundamental rights in ‘hotspots’ set up in Greece and Italy (February 2019) – EN
- FRA report : “Protecting human rights defenders at risk: EU entry, stay and support”
- Report on Good Practices of European Countries in the Naturalization Process – Oct 2022
- FRA Report : “Legal aid for returnees deprived of liberty”
- Europe’ s patchwork of refugee integration policies : The EU Action Plan on integration and inclusion as an instrument to address deficiencies – Linking NIEM results to EU Action 2021 to 2027 (a NIEM Policy Brief by Sinem Yilmaz).
- “Integration of young refugees in the EU: good practices and challenges” (a FRA study)
- Mullan, B. “Patterns of migration and economic liberalization in the Balkans”
- Wronski, I. (2004) “The EU and its impact on population mobility and bordercontrol in Central and Eastern Europe”
- AnECRE evaluation of the development of EU minimum standards for refugee protection
- Churches’ Commission for Migrants in Europe (2002) “Irregular Migration: a Challenge to European Migration and Asylum Policies”
- Bagavos, C. (2004) “Quantitative aspects of migration trends in Europe with anemphasis on the EU-15”
- Jupp,J. (2003) “Immigration, Asylum and extremist politics – Europe andAustralia”
- From European asylum and migration policies to camps for foreigners
- The economics of the illegal migration for the host economy
- A migration policy for the future: Possibilities and limitations
- Migrants and ethnic minorities at the workplace
- Immigration and the welfare state
- Summary Draft Report Migration trends in an enlarged Europe
- Southern European Labour markets and immigration: A structural and functional analysis
- International migration and the EU
- Immigration and the new politics of exclusion and inclusion in the EU
- Migration pathways in 4 European countries
- Borders and discriminationin the EU
- Bodies to promote equality in the EU
- Remedies and Sanctions in EC – non discrimination law
- Developping Anti-Discrimination Law in Europe
- Strategic Enforcement: Powers and Competences of Equality Bodies in EU (A new report by Equinet – the European Network of Equality Bodies)
- Opinion of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs of the European Parliament on strategies and means for the Integration of third-country nationals in the European Union
- European Civic Citizenship and Inclusion Index (A Research made by British Council Brussels, Foreign Policy Centre and Minority Policy Group)
- Comparative Study on the implementation of the EU Directive on reception conditions of Asylum Seekers (by the Odysseus Academic Network)
- Contribution of the Odysseus Academic Network to the Green Paper of the European Commission on the future of the European Migration Network
- The Hague Programme and the EU’ s agenda on “Freedom, Security and Justice” (by the Center for European Policy Studies)
- ENAR shadow report 2005 on Islamophobia in Europe (A Research made by Arno Tausch, Christian Bischof, Tomz Kastrun & Karl Mueller)
- Why Europe has to offer a better deal towards its Muslim communities – A quantitative analysis of open international data (A Research made by Arno Tausch, Christian Bischof, Tomz Kastrun & Karl Mueller)
- Opinion of the Network of Legal Independent Experts on Ethnic Profiling
- The U.N. MIgrant Workers Convention: Steps toward ratification in Europe (a study produced by the European Platform for Migrant Workers Rights (EPMWR))
- ECRI General Policy Recommendation N°10 on combating racism and racial discrimination in and through school education
- Developing Anti-Discrimination Law in Europe (a Comparative Analysis by Mark Bell, Isabelle Chopin and Fiona Palmer examining the transposition into national law of the Racial Equality Directive and the Employment Equality Directive in 25 EU Members States)
- Benchmarking in Immigrant Integration (a report written by Han Entzinger & Renske Biezeveld for the European Commisssion)
- A Handbook on Integration for policy makers and practicioners (written by Jan Niessen & Yongmi Scibel of the MPG – on behalf of the DG Justice of the EC)“Domestic Slavery” versus “Workers Rights”: Political Mobilizations of Migrant Domestic Workers in the European Union (written by Helen Scwenken on behalf of the Centre of Comparative Immigration Studies of the Univers. of California, San Diego)
- “You need two hands to clap”: Good Practices in Intefration from the network of the Dutch Council for Refugees
- Locating immigrant integration policy measures in the machinery of the European Commission (a report written by Mary – Anne Kate & Jan Niessen and prepared by Migration Policy Group (MPG) for the European Programme on Integration and Migration (EPIM))
- Report of PICUM International Conference on Access to Health Care for Undocumented Migrants in Europe
- Synthesis Annual Report 2006: a Country Study produced by the European Migration Network
- Migrants’ Remittances and Development: Myths, Rhetoric and Realities (A research study by Bimal Ghosh on behalf of the IOM & The Hague Process on Refugees and Migration)
- Committed to Making a Difference: Racism, antisemitism, xenophobia and intolerance and their impact on young people in Europe (New edition of the Council of Europe Symposium report 09/01/2008)
- “The conditions in centres for third country nationals (detention camps, open centres as well as transit centres and transit zones) with a particular focus on provisions and facilities for persons with special needs in 25 EU Member States (a Study carried out after a request of the “Commmittee on Civil Liberties, Justice & Home Affairs” of the European Parliament with the cooperation of “ANTIGONE” as a local partner concerning the research in Greece)
- The EU Returns Directive (a Statewatch Supplementary Analysis written by Professor Steven Peers – University of Essex)
- Proposal for a European Campaign for the Ratification of the Migrant Workers Convention (submitted by the international NGO “December 18”)
- Joint Statement of the “European Network of Ombudspersons for Children” (ENOC) on State Obligations for the Treatment of Unaccompanied Children (submitted by the international NGO “December 18”)
- European Parliament resolution of 25 September 2008 on the annual debate on the progress made in 2007 in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (including Migration and Asylum) (Articles 2 and 39 of the EU Treaty)
- EUROPE FOR ALL : a research report on migrants integration (written by Michel Beerens & Caroline van Eijk and executed by funding from Grundtvig)
- FRA’s Annual Report 2010, as submitted to the EU Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice & Home Affairs
- Implementing EU anti-discrimination law: how the 27 Member States compare (A Study made by M.P.G)
- ECRE Survey on legal aid for asylum seekers in Europe
- Separated asylum seeking children in European Union (A Comparative Report by FRA)
- Case of “M.S.S. v. Belgium and Greece” (Decision of the European Court of Human Rights concerning the issue of political asylum)
- Migrants in an irregular situation employed in domestic work: Fundamental rights challenges for the European Union and its Member States (FRA Report)
- Recycling Hatred: Racism(s) in Europe Today (A collection of essays published by ENAR)
- “Using Legal Strategies to Enforce Undocumented Migrants Human Rights” (a new PICUM report)
- New ENAR report: “How EU policies support or hinder the hiring of migrants in Europe”
- EASO Annual Report on the Situation of Asylum in the European Union (2012)
- Disentangling the migration and asylum knot: dealing with crisis situations and avoiding detention (A report by Anna Triandafyllidou)
- PICUM Report: “Inclusion or exclusion: what role for social services for migrants in the EU?”
- UNHCR’s inputs on asylum and international protection in the EU: strengthening cooperation and solidarity
- The Organisation of Reception Facilities for Asylum Seekers in different Member States (a European Migration Network Study)
- 6th Edition of the “European Migration Network” Bulletin
- Atlas of Migration in Europe (a critical geography of migration policies)
- Racism and discrimination in employment in Europe (ENAR Shadow Report)
- FRA Report on criminalisation of migrants in irregular situation and of persons engaging with them
- Triantafylliidou A. (2014), Multi-levelling and externalizing migration and asylum: lessons from the southern European islands, sland Studies Journal, Vol. 9, No. 1 May 2014
- Migrant access to social security and healthcare: policies and practice (A European Migration Network’s Report)
- The application of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights to the Asylum Procedural Law
- “The use of detention and alternatives to detention in the context of immigration policies” ( A study by European Migration Network)
- “The use of detention and alternatives to detention in the context of immigration policies” ( A study by European Migration Network)
- UNHCR Press Release: Statement on Protection in the Mediterranean in light of the EU Council’s Decision of 23 April 2015
- “Undocumented Migrants and the Europe 2020 Strategy: Making Social Inclusion a Reality for all Migrants in Europe” (A Study by PICUM)
- A Report of Doctors Without Borders on the needs of refugees and migrants at EU borders
- FRA Opinion concerning a EU common list of safe countries of origin
- “What people expect of European asylum and migration policies” – (A Bertelsmann Institute’ s “Eupinions” poll)
- “ELENA” Network Report on Family Reunification for Beneficiaries of International Protection in Europe
- ECRE Comments on the Commission Proposal for a Regulation on the European Union Agency for Asylum –
- “The Return of Rejected Asylum Seekers: Challenges and Good Practices” ( A European Migration Network Study)
- ECRE Comments on the EU Commission proposal for an Asylum Procedures Regulation
- “Map of anti-migrant violence, hatred and sentiment in Europe” (A survey by ENAR)
- Refugees and migrants face high risks in winter weather in Europe
- UNHCR, IOM and partners launch new plan to respond to Europe’s refugee and migrant situation
- Decision of the EU Ombudsman on the refugees’ human rights impact of the EU-Turkey Agreement
- UNHCR Report : “Refugees and migrants face heightened risks while trying to reach Europe”
- FRA study : “Promoting the participation of migrants and their descendants”
- “Racism and discrimination in the context of migration in Europe” (ENAR Shadow Report 2016)
- UNICEF and UNHCR welcome EU policy to protect migrant and refugee children
- “European legal and policy framework on immigration detention of children” (A special FRA report)
- “Εurope: new Roadmap to improve the situation of unaccompanied and separated refugee and migrant children” -(Joint UNHCR/UNICEF/IRC Press Release).
- Manual on myths and stereotypes among young people concerning their freedom to move within EU
- List of relevant asylum Jugdments and pending preliminary References from the Court of Justice of the European Union
- UNHCR report on changes in refugee and migrant risky journeys to Europe
- Recent activities of the Special Representative on migration and refugees
- “The refugee crises in the Med and inside EU : a humanitarian emergency” (Update News from Statewatch Observatory)
- Chios: NGOs complaints about the treatment of refugees to the European Commission and its response
- UNHCR ‘Desperate Journeys’ report provides snapshot of changing refugee movements to Europe
- CCME : Recommendations for humane return policies for refugees and migrants in Europe
- EASO Annual Report on the situation of asylum in European Union (2017)
- New FRA report on the fundamental rights of people seeking international protection throughout 2018
- UNHCR calls on Greece’s future members of European Parliament to strengthen refugee protection
- “Migration narratives in Europe 2017-2018” ( a survey by Friedrich Ebert Stiftung)
- “Protecting migrant workers from exploitation in the EU: workers’ perspectives” (FRA survey)
- November 2021 – MPG’ s research paper on legal and policy gaps for migrant entrepreneurs
- 2000 – OECD: Trends in immigration and economic consequences
- 2001 – SOPEMI: Trends in international migration
- June 2005 – ECRI: Annual Report, Activity in 2004
- October 2005 – Migration in an interconnected world: New directions for action – a Report by the U.N. Global Commission on International Migration
- Council of Europe: Greece must investigate Roma evictions and Supreme Court Prosecutor racist statement
- Migration pathways: a historic, demographic and policy review of four European countries – a Report prepared for RSCAS, European University Institute
- Female Migrants: bridging the gaps throughout the life cycle – selected papers of an UNFPA – IOM Expert Meeting
- Gender and migration: Why women are more vulnerable? – a report by Mary Kawar – a senior specialist on gender and employment in the International Labour Organisation
- Trafficking and women’s rights: beyond the sex industry to “other industries” – by Christien van den Anker – published in “Journal of Global Ethics”, 2:2, p.163-182
- Immigration, segregation and urban development in Athens : the relevance of the L.A. debate for southern European metropolises – article of V. Arapoglou in “The Greek Review of Social Research”, special issue 121, C’ 2006, p. 11-28
- Migration without Borders : An Investigation into the Free Movement of People – What would happen if border controls were to be suppressed and people granted the right to move freely throughout the world?” (Essays on the Free Movement of People, Edited by Antoine Pιcoud and Paul de Guchteneire)
- Summary Report and Workshop Reports in the Closing International Conference of the EU Project “Integration of Female Migrant Domestic Workers: Strategies for Employment and Civic Participation” – UNESCO Amphitheatre, University of Nicosia, Cyprus