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Finding Agreement in Return (FAiR)

“Finding Agreement in Return (FAiR)”

FAiR project is implemented by the Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam under the guidance of MPG and it aims to provide an up-to-date assessment of the state of development of return policies and bilateral intergovernmental return frameworks.


Main target:

FAiR promises to bolster EU return migration governance by addressing the legitimacy deficits that plague policies on return and alternatives to return. FAiR complements dominant rational choice perspectives by systematically assessing the importance of norms, frames and shared meanings for intergovernmental cooperation on return.


Special targets:

Specific contributions of FAiR include:

  • Econometric models to reduce measurement bias in Eurostat return data.
  • Better measurements of Europe’s return policies through a Migration Return Policy Index (MIREX).
  • Causal inference analysis for all EU+ countries on the effects of policy and nonpolicy drivers of enforced return.
  • A large survey experiment in 10 EU+ countries on public support for alternatives to return policies.
  • Improved guidelines for the human rights monitoring of enforced return.
  • A negotiation and implementation game that will help international actors to reach agreement on return and readmission.

FAiR offers multidisciplinary expertise and comprises a mix of academic, policy research, governmental and irregular migrant advocacy organisations, spanning Europe, Africa and the Middle East.



  • Collection of dyadic data on bilateral intergovernmental return frameworks
  • Collection of data on national policies on return in Greece



March 2024 – September 2024



ANTIGONE’ s partner is Migration Policy Group, based in Brussels



Funded under European Commission, in the framework of “Horizon Europe: Culture, creativity and inclusive society “


Project FAiR website – en
Migration Policy Group website – en