Young people of Thessaloniki participate in the thematic week “Youth say no to hate speech” organised by ANTIGONE in collaboration with “Thessaloniki – European Youth Capital 2014” with the aim to exchange experience and knowledge on hate speech as well as to implement a sensitisation campaign in the city towards the combat of the phenomenon.
Youth say no to hate speech
Thessaloniki – European Youth Capital 2014
Young people of Thessaloniki participate in the thematic week “Youth say no to hate speech” organised by ANTIGONE in collaboration with “Thessaloniki – European Youth Capital 2014” with the aim to exchange experience and knowledge on hate speech as well as to implement a sensitisation campaign in the city towards the combat of the phenomenon.
The action primarily aims to empower and motivate youth towards combating racism and all forms of social violence and exclusion expressed through all means of hate speech. In particular the objectives of the action are the following:
- Analysis of the phenomenon of the different dimensions of hate speech by young people through participatory activities and team work
- Pointing out the aspects of hate speech that young participants want to focus on through their campaign
- Dissemination of the appropriate tools so as for the young people to be able to set and run their sensitisation campaign
- Preparation and implementation of a sensitisation campaign
Target groups
The action mainly addresses young people aged from 18 to 35 years old as for example:
- NGO and CSO volunteers
- Teachers and educators of children and youth
- Professionals of other sectors that work with children and youth
- Young people aged from 18-35 years old that are interested in participating in activities in the fields of non discrimination and equality
All individuals and social groups that are going to be informed through the sensitisation campaign towards combating hate speech
During the action, five 4-hour workshops are going to take place. In the first two workshops, participants are going to work in groups through non formal educational activities in order to discover hate speech in all its dimensions and to come up with the aspects of hate speech they want to focus on through their campaign.
The third day, through participatory activities, young people are going to learn how to set and carry out an informative and sensitisation campaign while during the two next meetings participants are going to implement their ideas on the production of the material (poster, leaflet, roll-up, banner, stickers) and prepare the sensitisation campaign.
The last day of the action, participants are going to carry out their own sensitisation campaign in a central spot of Thessaloniki with the support of ANTIGONE and other institutions that would like to participate.
The workshops are going to take place from December 9th – 13th 2013 while the sensitisation campaign is going to take place on December 20th 2013.
Funding Body
The action “Youth say no to hate speech” is implemented in collaboration with “Thessaloniki – European Youth Capital 2014”
For more information
ANTIGONE – Information and Documentation Center on Racism, Ecology, Peace and Non Violence
Ptolemaion 29A, 6th floor, 54630, Thessaloniki, Greece
Τel. 2310.285.688 Fax. 2310.222.503
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