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FRA report : “Protecting human rights defenders at risk: EU entry, stay and support”
Report on Good Practices of European Countries in the Naturalization Process – Oct 2022
FRA Report : “Legal aid for returnees deprived of liberty”
Europe’ s patchwork of refugee integration policies : The EU Action Plan on integration and inclusion as an instrument to address deficiencies – Linking NIEM results to EU Action 2021 to 2027 (a NIEM Policy Brief by Sinem Yilmaz).
“Integration of young refugees in the EU: good practices and challenges” (a FRA study)
Mullan, B. “Patterns of migration and economic liberalization in the Balkans”
Wronski, I. (2004) “The EU and its impact on population mobility and bordercontrol in Central and Eastern Europe”
AnECRE evaluation of the development of EU minimum standards for refugee protection
Churches’ Commission for Migrants in Europe (2002) “Irregular Migration: a Challenge to European Migration and Asylum Policies”
Bagavos, C. (2004) “Quantitative aspects of migration trends in Europe with anemphasis on the EU-15”
Jupp,J. (2003) “Immigration, Asylum and extremist politics – Europe andAustralia”
From European asylum and migration policies to camps for foreigners
The economics of the illegal migration for the host economy
A migration policy for the future: Possibilities and limitations
Migrants and ethnic minorities at the workplace
Immigration and the welfare state
Summary Draft Report Migration trends in an enlarged Europe
Southern European Labour markets and immigration: A structural and functional analysis
International migration and the EU
Immigration and the new politics of exclusion and inclusion in the EU
Migration pathways in 4 European countries
Borders and discriminationin the EU
Bodies to promote equality in the EU
Remedies and Sanctions in EC – non discrimination law
Developping Anti-Discrimination Law in Europe
Strategic Enforcement: Powers and Competences of Equality Bodies in EU (A new report by Equinet – the European Network of Equality Bodies)
Opinion of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs of the European Parliament on strategies and means for the Integration of third-country nationals in the European Union
European Civic Citizenship and Inclusion Index (A Research made by British Council Brussels, Foreign Policy Centre and Minority Policy Group)
Comparative Study on the implementation of the EU Directive on reception conditions of Asylum Seekers (by the Odysseus Academic Network)
Contribution of the Odysseus Academic Network to the Green Paper of the European Commission on the future of the European Migration Network
The Hague Programme and the EU’ s agenda on “Freedom, Security and Justice” (by the Center for European Policy Studies)
ENAR shadow report 2005 on Islamophobia in Europe (A Research made by Arno Tausch, Christian Bischof, Tomz Kastrun & Karl Mueller)
Why Europe has to offer a better deal towards its Muslim communities – A quantitative analysis of open international data (A Research made by Arno Tausch, Christian Bischof, Tomz Kastrun & Karl Mueller)
Opinion of the Network of Legal Independent Experts on Ethnic Profiling
The U.N. MIgrant Workers Convention: Steps toward ratification in Europe (a study produced by the European Platform for Migrant Workers Rights (EPMWR))
ECRI General Policy Recommendation N°10 on combating racism and racial discrimination in and through school education
Developing Anti-Discrimination Law in Europe (a Comparative Analysis by Mark Bell, Isabelle Chopin and Fiona Palmer examining the transposition into national law of the Racial Equality Directive and the Employment Equality Directive in 25 EU Members States)
Benchmarking in Immigrant Integration (a report written by Han Entzinger & Renske Biezeveld for the European Commisssion)
A Handbook on Integration for policy makers and practicioners (written by Jan Niessen & Yongmi Scibel of the MPG – on behalf of the DG Justice of the EC)“Domestic Slavery” versus “Workers Rights”: Political Mobilizations of Migrant Domestic Workers in the European Union (written by Helen Scwenken on behalf of the Centre of Comparative Immigration Studies of the Univers. of California, San Diego)
“You need two hands to clap”: Good Practices in Intefration from the network of the Dutch Council for Refugees
Locating immigrant integration policy measures in the machinery of the European Commission (a report written by Mary – Anne Kate & Jan Niessen and prepared by Migration Policy Group (MPG) for the European Programme on Integration and Migration (EPIM))
Report of PICUM International Conference on Access to Health Care for Undocumented Migrants in Europe
Synthesis Annual Report 2006: a Country Study produced by the European Migration Network
Migrants’ Remittances and Development: Myths, Rhetoric and Realities (A research study by Bimal Ghosh on behalf of the IOM & The Hague Process on Refugees and Migration)
Committed to Making a Difference: Racism, antisemitism, xenophobia and intolerance and their impact on young people in Europe (New edition of the Council of Europe Symposium report 09/01/2008)
“The conditions in centres for third country nationals (detention camps, open centres as well as transit centres and transit zones) with a particular focus on provisions and facilities for persons with special needs in 25 EU Member States (a Study carried out after a request of the “Commmittee on Civil Liberties, Justice & Home Affairs” of the European Parliament with the cooperation of “ANTIGONE” as a local partner concerning the research in Greece)
The EU Returns Directive (a Statewatch Supplementary Analysis written by Professor Steven Peers – University of Essex)
Proposal for a European Campaign for the Ratification of the Migrant Workers Convention (submitted by the international NGO “December 18”)
Joint Statement of the “European Network of Ombudspersons for Children” (ENOC) on State Obligations for the Treatment of Unaccompanied Children (submitted by the international NGO “December 18”)
European Parliament resolution of 25 September 2008 on the annual debate on the progress made in 2007 in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (including Migration and Asylum) (Articles 2 and 39 of the EU Treaty)
EUROPE FOR ALL : a research report on migrants integration (written by Michel Beerens & Caroline van Eijk and executed by funding from Grundtvig)
FRA’s Annual Report 2010, as submitted to the EU Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice & Home Affairs
Implementing EU anti-discrimination law: how the 27 Member States compare (A Study made by M.P.G)
ECRE Survey on legal aid for asylum seekers in Europe
Separated asylum seeking children in European Union (A Comparative Report by FRA)
Case of “M.S.S. v. Belgium and Greece” (Decision of the European Court of Human Rights concerning the issue of political asylum)
Migrants in an irregular situation employed in domestic work: Fundamental rights challenges for the European Union and its Member States (FRA Report)
Recycling Hatred: Racism(s) in Europe Today (A collection of essays published by ENAR)
“Using Legal Strategies to Enforce Undocumented Migrants Human Rights” (a new PICUM report)
New ENAR report: “How EU policies support or hinder the hiring of migrants in Europe”
EASO Annual Report on the Situation of Asylum in the European Union (2012)
Disentangling the migration and asylum knot: dealing with crisis situations and avoiding detention (A report by Anna Triandafyllidou)
PICUM Report: “Inclusion or exclusion: what role for social services for migrants in the EU?”
UNHCR’s inputs on asylum and international protection in the EU: strengthening cooperation and solidarity
The Organisation of Reception Facilities for Asylum Seekers in different Member States (a European Migration Network Study)
6th Edition of the “European Migration Network” Bulletin
Atlas of Migration in Europe (a critical geography of migration policies)
Racism and discrimination in employment in Europe (ENAR Shadow Report)
FRA Report on criminalisation of migrants in irregular situation and of persons engaging with them
Triantafylliidou A. (2014), Multi-levelling and externalizing migration and asylum: lessons from the southern European islands, sland Studies Journal, Vol. 9, No. 1 May 2014
Migrant access to social security and healthcare: policies and practice (A European Migration Network’s Report)
The application of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights to the Asylum Procedural Law
“The use of detention and alternatives to detention in the context of immigration policies” ( A study by European Migration Network)
“The use of detention and alternatives to detention in the context of immigration policies” ( A study by European Migration Network)
UNHCR Press Release: Statement on Protection in the Mediterranean in light of the EU Council’s Decision of 23 April 2015
“Undocumented Migrants and the Europe 2020 Strategy: Making Social Inclusion a Reality for all Migrants in Europe” (A Study by PICUM)
A Report of Doctors Without Borders on the needs of refugees and migrants at EU borders
FRA Opinion concerning a EU common list of safe countries of origin
“What people expect of European asylum and migration policies” – (A Bertelsmann Institute’ s “Eupinions” poll)
“ELENA” Network Report on Family Reunification for Beneficiaries of International Protection in Europe
ECRE Comments on the Commission Proposal for a Regulation on the European Union Agency for Asylum –
“The Return of Rejected Asylum Seekers: Challenges and Good Practices” ( A European Migration Network Study)
ECRE Comments on the EU Commission proposal for an Asylum Procedures Regulation
“Map of anti-migrant violence, hatred and sentiment in Europe” (A survey by ENAR)
Refugees and migrants face high risks in winter weather in Europe
UNHCR, IOM and partners launch new plan to respond to Europe’s refugee and migrant situation
Decision of the EU Ombudsman on the refugees’ human rights impact of the EU-Turkey Agreement
UNHCR Report : “Refugees and migrants face heightened risks while trying to reach Europe”
FRA study : “Promoting the participation of migrants and their descendants”
“Racism and discrimination in the context of migration in Europe” (ENAR Shadow Report 2016)
UNICEF and UNHCR welcome EU policy to protect migrant and refugee children
“European legal and policy framework on immigration detention of children” (A special FRA report)
“Εurope: new Roadmap to improve the situation of unaccompanied and separated refugee and migrant children” -(Joint UNHCR/UNICEF/IRC Press Release).
Manual on myths and stereotypes among young people concerning their freedom to move within EU
List of relevant asylum Jugdments and pending preliminary References from the Court of Justice of the European Union
UNHCR report on changes in refugee and migrant risky journeys to Europe
Recent activities of the Special Representative on migration and refugees
“The refugee crises in the Med and inside EU : a humanitarian emergency” (Update News from Statewatch Observatory)
Chios: NGOs complaints about the treatment of refugees to the European Commission and its response
UNHCR ‘Desperate Journeys’ report provides snapshot of changing refugee movements to Europe
CCME : Recommendations for humane return policies for refugees and migrants in Europe
EASO Annual Report on the situation of asylum in European Union (2017)
New FRA report on the fundamental rights of people seeking international protection throughout 2018
UNHCR calls on Greece’s future members of European Parliament to strengthen refugee protection
“Migration narratives in Europe 2017-2018” ( a survey by Friedrich Ebert Stiftung)
“Protecting migrant workers from exploitation in the EU: workers’ perspectives” (FRA survey)