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Better Advocacy for Better Inclusion (BABI)

The Better Advocacy for Better Inclusion (BABI) project aims to build capacity for Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), immigrant, refugee and foreign nationality civilians to define and implement social inclusion policies.

General Objective:
To be able to exercise the rights of refugees, immigrants, citizens of foreign origin and to eliminate discrimination in order to succeed social inclusion.

Specific objectives:

  • Create and test innovative methodologies and training tools
  • Specialize the knowledge and skills of social workers, activists and trainers of the organizations involved.
  • Empowerment actions aimed at putting pressure on social inclusion policy makers.

Target groups

  • Social workers, educators and activists of CSOs and associations of immigrants, refugees and citizens of foreign origin: 185 direct beneficiaries, about 750 indirect beneficiaries
  • Public decision-makers: 120 direct beneficiaries, about 250 indirect beneficiaries

The project will last two years starting in November 2020


  • Research activities on successful Advocacy strategies and actions tested at local and national level.
  • Drafting 4 national reports
  • Drafting a Handbook on the advocacy cycle and 16 advocacy experiences tested at local or national level
  • Research on social inclusion indicators
  • Design and testing an advocacy training module
  • Training course for 25 activists (Malta, 2022)
  • Drafting of the Better Advocacy for Better Inclusion Tool-kit
  • 4 national events to present the project results
  • 1 international meeting to evaluate the activities (Rome, 2022)

Lunaria (Italy)-Coordinator
ANTIGONE – Information and Documentation Centre on Racism, Ecology, Peace and Non-Violence (Greece)
SOS Racisme (Spain),
SOS Malta (Malta)

Funding Body


The Project Better Advocacy for Better Inclusion (BABI) aims to develop the capacities of foreign-born and native-born activists to guide public policies for social inclusion through the design of training and empowerment tools. It is promoted by Lunaria (Italy) in collaboration with Antigone (Greece), SOS Racisme (Spain), SOS Malta (Malta) and supported by the Erasmus+ Programme.
BABI Project undertook as its initial task to study the concept of advocacy as a social intervention in refugee/immigrant and asylum seeker integration issues in the 4 participating countries. 4 reports were thus created that include key elements for the context of each country as well as examples of advocacy actions.
In the report about Greece you can read the approach of the context, a review of the available statistics and the results from the qualitative research conducted on selected Civil Society Organizations, groups and initiatives aimed at exploring advocacy actions for the education sectors, housing, anti-racism, etc.
The report is divided in 3 chapters in the First chapter the National Context is presented based on a short review of the data indicating the state of refugee and migrant discrimination in Greece and the general picture of Civil Society Organizations in Greece. The Second chapter concerns the results of the qualitative research. More specifically, the methodology as well as the overall pictures of the results are presented in this chapter. In addition, at the end of the chapter a single short sheets is given, describing 23 advocacy initiatives investigated with the interviews. In the Third, and final, chapter the conclusion of the National Report is presented. The National Report concludes what type of advocacy the interviewed entities are practicing and the complex process operating in different levels.
You can see all the results of the surveys carried out in the 4 participating countries in the link below: