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ARIADNE – Versus the violence against women

Violence, inequalities, discriminations… Maybe institutionally the gender equality is officially recognized many years now, but in real life things are very different. It is easy for someone to notice it, but noticing is not enough. The action project “ARIADNE” ambitiously hopes to function as a vehicle of change for the established stereotypes. Through the education and information of members of the Local Authorities, of Non Governmental Organization (NGO) and of Activists in issues than concern discriminations about the gender equality, ARIADNE will attempt to create the necessary structure for the change of way of thinking in a local level. The same time, the project aims to the research of new forms of collective organization and to the function of structures of social intervention, so that the message of ARIADNE to be multiplied: “Versus the violence against women”.




ARIADNE – Versus the violence against women



Discriminations about gender equality in the Europe of Crisis.

An action project of the Heinrich Böll institution and of the Green Institute, in implementation of the NGO Antigone.


Maybe institutionally the gender equality is officially recognized many years now, but in real life things are very different. It is easy for someone to notice it, but noticing is not enough. The action project “ARIADNE”  ambitiously hopes to function as a vehicle of change for the established stereotypes.

Through the education and information of members of the Local Authorities, of Non Governmental Organization (NGO) and of Activists in issues than concern discriminations about the gender equality, ARIADNE will attempt to create the necessary structure for the change of way of thinking in a local level. The same time, the project aims to the research of new forms of collective organization and function of structures of social intervention, so that the message of ARIADNE to be multiplied:

“Versus the violence against women”


  • One in five women lives with a violent companion.
  • Half of the women that are murdered every year, are victims of their husbands or of their companions.
  • One in three women that are going to the emergency department of the hospitals, are victims of home violence.

The last years in Greece, we had dozens of victims, murdered women by their husbands or by their companions. When we speak about abuse, we actually speak about a direct violation of human rights. We speak about a crime that takes place in secret, in the private zone, that if it would happen in any other case, the offender would be punished. On the contrary the vas majority of the offenders of home violence enjoys an asylum, a particular impunity. It is a taboo issue because it has to do with ingrained perceptions and stereotypes. This crime is “permitted” basically because the perception that man has a dominating right upon woman is still powerful and ethically legal. Until 2006, it did not exist even a special legal frame for the violation of women but also after the voting of regular law (l.3500/2006), the law is actually unimplemented. As far as the support of victims of violence is concerned, the situation in our country is tragic. The structures of support are inchoate if not totally absent. In the end of 2012, the only thing that happened (above the consecutive proclamations) is the emergency line SOS in national broadcast (15900), which is necessary but not enough.

This is the situation of our country, the minute that statistics show that the home violence is main cause of death and disability for women aged between 16 and 44 years old in Europe and is responsible for more deaths and health problems than cancer and car accidents together.

The seminars will take place in 4 big cities: Athens, Thessaloniki, Ioannina and Iraklion.

The NGO Antigone has the responsibility of the implementation of the project with the support of the Heinrich Böll institution and the Green Institute.

Konstantina Kranou is the coordinator of the activities.

More information in the tel. no. 2310285688

And electronically in the e-mail:


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